Coding is the future.
Understanding computers and learning the basics of coding helps children to develop an appreciation of how things work. It also teaches them how software engineers use math in order to solve problems in a logical and creative way.
Coding requires logical thinking and teaches children how to tackle complex problems by breaking them down into smaller problems which are easier to manage and solve. This process is called decomposition.
You can build anything you want —design and release an app, cr​eate a deep neural network, launch a website, start a blog. Learn to code and you can do all of these things. It's not always easy and it demands continuous learning and development. But it's definitely worth it.
Coding teaches children persistence, that in order to solve the problem they have, they must keep going, coming up with different solutions until they have the right one.

Breathtaking adventures
Not all programming jobs are the same, however. Different roles, companies, and types of software require knowing and understanding different programming languages—and it’s often beneficial to know multiple languages. Trying to break into the field of software programming can be a daunting experience, especially for professionals with no prior programming experience.

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