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A Standard Tutoring Provider


To apply, simply create a detailed profile as being questioned. Be sure to include your teaching experiences, available time, and any other pertinent information. The coordinators will contact you and/or us with any clarifying questions on your post. So, please take the time to layout as many details as possible

The Process

A. Application Process

1. Application form

Though most of them are good at teaching offline (traditional face to face tutoring), significant tutors have just a vague idea of how online tutoring works. So we keep getting these queries, "How Can I teach online classes?" and "How to obtain students for online teaching?"

Required info

  • Full name:

  • Nickname:

  • Course:

  • E-mail address:

  • Mobile number:

  • Skype account id:

  • Zoom id:

  • Internet speed:

  • Internet service provider:

  • Tutor who referred you to ICAN Online, if any:

  • Schedule preferred:

please take the time to layout as many details as possible.

2. Proficiency Test


Choose the best response for each one:

1. When did you start your current ____________________ ( = job)?


3. Equipment Test

We see from our experience that once you practice how to tutor online after doing our comprehensive training, you will be able to approach with confidence, not only online tutoring but offline tutoring as well. For someone motivated, all it takes is a day to set up and become an expert online tutor.

a. Camera

b. Internet speed test

  • Go to

  • Click Begin Test and wait for the test to complete.

  • Then click "COPY DIRECT LINK".

  • Send to us the link

  • 5. Repeat steps 1-4 thrice. This is to check your connection’s stability.

c. Audio
d. Environment

4. Interview

a. Questions

Essential probing

1. Tell me about yourself
2. Educational background
3. Job experience related to teaching

4. Willing to relocate/move to the office?

5. Online teaching equipment



6. Strength
7. Weakness
8. Why should we employ you?

9. Goals in life


About teaching

10. What do you do - or plan to do - to maintain discipline in the classroom?

11. Why do you enjoy teaching?
12. How would you describe your teaching style?
13. Tell me your teaching success story

14.How do you teach? Philosophy/Life skills

15. Why do we need knowledge?
16. How do we use knowledge?
17. What tools should one use if he/she doesn’t know how to proceed?


Online Teaching Demo (Choose 1-2)

18. Teach about Subject-verb agreement to a 12-year-old boy.

19.Explain simile vs metaphor
20. Give examples: past participles
21.Count and non-count nouns

B. Schedule

B. Schedule



1. Availability (flexibility)

2. Degree

3. Experience




1. Availability

2. Goals and needs

3. Level


1. Matchmaking

Doctor ICAN is a user-focused subject expert platform that gives you access to customized, one-on-one learning for an optimal experience outside the classroom. Our diverse staff of educators helps you create a learning solution that focuses directly on what you need and how you learn.

2. Notification

Matchmaking is the process of matching two or more people together, usually for the purpose of marriage, but the word is also used in the context of sporting events such as boxing, in business, in online video games and in pairing organ donors.

C. Training

The online training are designed to help tutors learn strategies to improve/enhance their skills and aid in personal development.


  1. Brief Introduction about ICAN Online (15mins)

  2. Class flow (30mins)

  3. ICAN Programs (30 mins)

  4. Mock Lesson 01 (20mins)

  5. Trainer Evaluation (10minutes)

  6. Final Reminders (15mins)

1. Observation/Mock Class

​1. Class sample viewing 

2. Class trial

©2020 by DASOLMIGA, ICANONLINE KOREA. Proudly Created with CHOLE Creative .

56-23 Noryangjindong,Dongjakgu,Seoul,Korea

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