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Homework is a constant for most children — it is always there. And for many children, it is often a chore. Just the concept of "homework" can cause multiple anxieties and negative feelings.


To assist parents and students, ICAN's new offering presents some help to turn this chore into an enjoyable challenge. It provides some general preliminaries, basic strategies, and motivation.


ICAN wants to create an online system that accepts inquiries/requests from students regarding their homework or projects.

Online System


  • Info of students (Profile)

    • Name

    • Grade

    • Age

    • School


  • Subjects they need help with

    • Elementary school subjects

    • Middle School subjects

    • High School subjects

    • University courses

    • Standardized Tests Clarifications

    • ESL Homework

    • Extra-curricular


  • Details about the homework

    • Topic

    • Type

    • Actual questions / instructions

    • Due date


  • Availability


  • Info of teacher (Profile)

    • Name

    • Age

    • School

    • Major


  • Subjects they can help with

    • Elementary school subjects

    • Middle School subjects

    • High School subjects

    • University courses

    • Standardized Tests Clarifications

    • ESL Homework

    • Extra-curricular


  • Availability


Matchmaking Logic

  • Tutors can accept requests depending on their confidence of achieving the request of the students

  • Students will have to accept (or choose from a pool of teachers who provided his/her services) a tutor prior to being match

  • Students and teachers will meet at agreed date and time in order to conduct the session

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56-23 Noryangjindong,Dongjakgu,Seoul,Korea

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