EdutoMars is ICAN Coding's foundation.
If we wish to establish our students goal to become equip in the future of education and the world in general, we want to teach them the importance of learning in a different approach.
So, we established ICAN ALGORITHM in accordance to the EdutoMars Principles.
ICAN Coding's EdutoMars ALGORITHMs are based on TECHNOLOGY. Here are some examples we our lessons are based from:
Most famous of all, Google uses an algorithm, PageRank, to determine which search results appear and in what order, ensuring the highest-quality, most credible websites appear first. Meaning, hundreds of factors are taken into consideration every time a query is searched.
Going back to the above, think about how much information is being crunched when you're searching, and think about the speed at which you get to see results!
YouTube is also known for its recommendation algorithm; the sophisticated code that recommends which video appears as your recommended next watch. The goal? To get viewers to keep consuming video content by trying to present to them the right video at the right time.
Social Media
Have you ever noticed why, on your social media platform of choice, you seem to see posts from the same people more than others? That's because these social media platforms use algorithms as well, putting posts in front of you based on how relevant they are to you and your browsing needs. This relevance can be determined by how often you interact with posts from certain people, or by the type of content you enjoy.
Online Games
Often, flow charts are used to explain the process of an algorithm. Take this visual for example; it illustrates how an online checkers algorithm would process the information needed to make the best possible next move.
Binary Search
If you’re interested in getting a little more technical, there are a few essential algorithms that any mathematician or engineer worth their salt should know.
One is Binary search, which sorts through lists of information to quickly find answers, not unlike looking up words in a dictionary.
Merge Sort
Next, a merge sort algorithms divide and conquer multiple lists and are useful for crunching a lot of data at a time.
Finally, adding and removing algorithms prune information, if you will, freeing up space for only what is necessary and helpful.
Algorithms revolutionize and innovate the world around us. Far from existing in abstract mathematical isolation, algorithms are everywhere, and they create connections and solutions in a range of industries.
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