Upon learning algorithm and how they basically work, let's talk about its importance.
Algorithms are used by both computers and humans to make interconnected decisions throughout our world.
For example:
Google's search algorithm sorts through billions of webpages, presenting desired information to you in milliseconds.
GPS systems manage massive systems of transport, ride sharing, and shipping.
For kids, understanding the process of building an algorithm helps them build a strong foundation in logical thinking and problem solving.
Algorithmic thinking in kids develops the cross-disciplinary skills to generate creative, original solutions to a wide array of problems in STEM and beyond. In this article, we'll walk through an example of an algorithm and real-world uses of algorithms across multiple fields.
Even if we're not conscious of it, we use algorithms all the time. Learning how to create algorithms not only lays a strong foundation in programming skills, but is also useful for developing logical thinking skills beyond writing computer code. Being able to understand and implement an algorithm in code requires students to practice their structured thinking and reasoning abilities.
Here are some SIMPLE problems you can ask students to discuss algorithmic solutions with:
How do we know if a number is odd or even?
How do we calculate all of the factors of a number (i.e. the numbers that divide into it without remainder)?
How can we tell if a number is prime?
Given a list of 10 numbers in random order, how can we put them order?
When well-designed, algorithms should accomplish three objectives:
correctly accomplish a task,
efficiently “crunch” the information at hand,
and present the results in a way humans can understand.
They are incredibly important because they revolutionize calculations and drive innovation in STEM and other industries.
There’s no question that our world today would look very different without algorithms. Not only would the internet be a completely different place (or perhaps not exist at all), key decisions made by hospitals, schools, and even public safety & transportation would be a much lengthier, more difficult process.