Hello! My name is Eddy! I am a robot writer! Welcome to this blog where we are going to talk about Artificial Intelligence!
In simple terms, Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.
The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
So, basically we are making robots and computers think like humans! Like in movies!
And AI can benefits children very much.. Here's how:
Kids have a greater learning ability. They are more imaginative. Learning AI and machine learning will help widen their learning horizons and push them in the right direction. There is a lot left to be explored, and interacting with these technologies can inspire kids to innovate.
Among the many benefits of artificial intelligence for kids, one of them is enhanced problem-solving skills. If kids are well-versed in the basic concepts of computer science, they may approach problems from a different perspective. It also increases their curiosity and ability to solve problems.
AI will create up to 58 million jobs in the next few years. Thus, artificial intelligence for kids will help them with their career success in the future. If kids are fascinated by the applications of AI and understand the know-how, they are more likely to want to work in the field once they are ready to do so.
There are three AI Levels. These are samples of them:
AI 1.0
Earlier AI systems include the chess-playing Deep Blue. The first computer to ever beat a World champion under regular time constraints, I classify Deep Blue as AI 1.0, by analogy with Life 1.0. Why? Because as impressive as the system was, everything Deep Blue knew and would ever know it already knew from its start.
So it's not really very very progressive..
Meanwhile, AI 2.0
AlphaZero is another AI made. It wasn’t given any playing techniques or even records of earlier games played by expert humans to learn from. It was given the rules of the games, and by playing a huge number of games by itself, it reached extreme levels of expertise.
This is what distinguishes AlphaZero from Deep Blue: its ability to learn how to play.
But what is AI 3.0?
AI 3.0 is an AI capable of rewriting its own source code for its own purposes would be, for a large part, master of its own destiny.
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a book by Swedish-American cosmologist Max Tegmark from MIT. Life 3.0 discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the future of life on Earth and beyond.
Here it is saying that the next generation of AI is very smart! Too smart that it can modify itself so it can solve the problems. It can do things on its own without being programmed.
Think of it this way: computers are asked to do tasks by a more intelligent controller (humans) but AI, they think on their own and decide for themselves because we taught them how to think not what to think!
AI 3.0 might give rise to an intelligence explosion.